In the Midst of War, This Ukrainian Startup Refuses to Give Up
War may seem like the worst possible environment to create and launch a successful new product or service, but that’s what one group of Ukrainian developers has done, working for a startup in the midst of their country’s war with Russia. The company’s team is so dedicated to their product launch that they would break out their laptops between air raid sirens to write code and prepare for their product launch.
While on a team video call Svetlana P. the project manager for Tikit.Info’s product launch, says, “I do not know if I have a home to go back to anymore.” The team meets daily using their help desk’s integrated video conferencing. For the last 24 months, Tikit.Info staff members have been developing and testing their customer service help desk and internal ticket system software solution. The initial project launch date was set for March 1st. Five days after Putin launched the invasion of Ukraine. Svetlana recalls that she “did not have words” to describe why bodies of Russian soldiers were lying in the street to her 12-year-old daughter as they fled the city of Kharkov.
Other staff members like Alexander stayed behind. He manages to work daily, still living under siege. He is relieved now that the Ukrainian Army has managed to push back the Russians from the outskirts of Kharkov. Alexander says that waking up to air raid sirens and loud volleys of artillery fire is now normal. Alexander was forced to move when an air bomb exploded near his apartment building. The explosion shattered all the windows and sent shrapnel into parts of his bedroom. Luckily none of his family members were injured.
One team member Natily initially sought refuge in the startup’s office building. Unlike some others who had opted for the safety of the cold and damp subway system. She and her team member Victor hunkered down in the basement as air raid sirens and explosions continued for nine frightening days. Ultimately running out of food, she eventually fled Kharkov for the relative safety of western Ukraine. Victor stayed behind in the besieged city.
On March 15th, the team released their help desk and ticket system software which is now available as a software service at As the Ukraine army works to push back Russian forces, this dedicated team of developers works to produce a software application to be proud of.

I am one of the editors here at I am a UK based technology professional, with an interest in computer security and telecoms.