Who Called Me – 0113 5269520 [RESOLVED]
The number 0113 5269520 (+44 113 526 9520) is known to be used by scammers.
This number is a Leeds (UK) based number.
Examples where this number is used include e-mails that are received for fake Norton subscriptions asking people to call this number to cancel or update their subscription.
Do not call this number or answer it if it calls you.
Example e-mail text
Dear Subscriber,
To let you know that your Norton security services have ended as of today, we are just sending you this email.
We are renewing the annual membership in accordance with the statement we received last year, and the services will be back up in 4 hours.
The automatic payment of (£129.99) is processed from the available account funds balance, the charge will reflect on statement shortly.
The same recurring fee will be auto debited again on (May-23-2024) unless you cancel the services prior 2 days from the expiration date.
Contact us at the number provided below if you need assistance with our services or if you want to cancel your membership.
Customer Helpdesk Toll-free +44 113 526 9520
![Who Called Me – 0113 5269520 [RESOLVED]](https://i0.wp.com/www.systemtek.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/luke-s.jpg?resize=100%2C100)
Blogger at www.systemtek.co.uk