ComputerSoftwareTech Tips

How to fix Windows Task Scheduler error code 2147943726 [RESOLVED]

If you see the error code error code 2147943726 in Microsoft Windows Task Schedule the below information should help you to resolve this error.

You may also see the error message “unknown user name or bad password” against error code 2147943726

This error is usually caused by a change in the password for the user meant to run the scheduled task.

  1. Open Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler and click “properties” on the task that has the error.
  2. Click on “Change user or Group” and reconfigure the user that will start the task.
  3. Click “Ok” and type the password for the user, this should resolve the problem.

Kerry Dean

Kerry is a Content Creator at she has spent many years working in IT support, her main interests are computing, networking and AI.

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