Security NewsNews

Scottish Region to Alert All Households About Hackers Publishing Stolen Medical Data

NHS Dumfries and Galloway chief executive Julie White has contacted every household in Dumfries and Galloway to update them on the cyber attack in February this year – and what they can do to stay safe online. The leaflet will reach households across the region between 18th and 22nd June 2024. It includes the letter from Julie White, an Easy-Read version of the letter, and a list of frequently-asked questions.

The criminals were able to access and copy large amounts of patient and staff-identifiable data. When their demands weren’t met, they published the stolen files onto the internet on May 6th 2024. The data/information that was published on the internet included people’s x-rays, test results and letters between health and care professionals. Letters about complaints were also published.

For further information regarding this cyber attack please visit the official Dumfries and Galloway website –

NHS Dumfries and Galloway - CC BY-SA 4.0

Luke Simmonds

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