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What is a valid MAC address [RESOLVED]

The maximum length of a MAC address is 17 characters.

MAC addresses are only composed of the following characters: “0-9”, “a-f”, “A-F”, and “:”

There is 12 letters and numbers and five :

The standard format of a mac address is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Below are some of the most common mistakes people make when dealing with MAC addresses, especially when reading the MAC address from a device and inputting it into another or writing it down

  • The number 5 is changed to an S this would make the MAC address invalid.
  • The number 0 is changed to an O this would make the MAC address invalid.

If you are inputting a MAC address into a specific system, for example to allow or block a device via its MAC address you may find that the system allows you to input instead of : or the system requires the MAC address to be in the format of aaaa.2922.cccc

What devices have a MAC address ?

Any device the connects to the network via wireless or wired has a MAC address. The address is assigned to the hardware of the network connection device. So for example a network card in a PC has a MAC address, if you changed the card for a new one then it would be a different MAC address. A laptop that has a wireless and wired connection would have two MAC addresses one for each connection method.

What is a MAC address ?

A MAC address (Media Access Control) is a 12-character attribute used to identify electronic devices on a computer network. Each MAC address is unique, and can be used to represent the vendor who supplied it. There are many websites online like MAC Address Lookup – MAC/OUI/IAB/IEEE Vendor Manufacturer Search ( which allow you to input a MAC address and they will tell you the vendor who made the device.

Jason Davies

I am one of the editors here at I am a UK based technology professional, with an interest in computer security and telecoms.

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