Security Vulnerabilities

Spotting Fake Web Addresses

To most people at quick glance at the above address will look genuine, even if you look in detail you may say its Primark in the US, wrong !

It’s a fake site, what we have here is a well constructed fake web address.  Most people associate the www with the start of a web address and com as part of the address and the company name in the middle.

What we have here really is a site with 2 subdomains setup.  The first www is just a subdomain, the primark is a subdomain and the is the actual domain name.  Typically criminals and others setting up fake sites are using this method more often in order to trick people in to thinking the web address is genuine.

When you visit the site it maybe layed out to give the impression you are on a genuine site for that company.  In reality the site may have infected your computer with a virus or spyware, or maybe they want you to login to the site in order to get your login or bank details.

Note :- The above example web address is known to be fake, please do not visit that site.


Duncan is a technology professional with over 20 years experience of working in various IT roles. He has a interest in cyber security, and has a wide range of other skills in radio, electronics and telecommunications.

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